July 24 Newsletter



PBA NETWORK NEWS                                                                       June 2024
On Wednesday, May 15th, Parkview Baptist Church and Crossroads Christian Community Church voted to merge and form The Lighthouse Church under the leadership of Pastor Marcel Berrios. The church will offer a traditional service and a contemporary service on Sunday mornings. They are in the process of working through all of the legal aspects of the merger and hope to have it completed by the end of the year.
After the retirement of Pastor Rusty Beck, Parkview called Pastor Berrios to serve as their Interim Pastor (while he continued to be pastor of Crossroads). The two congregations have worked together to develop the plans for the merger. In God’s timing, Marcel is working on a Doctor of Ministries degree in which he is studying church closers and mergers. Once they complete this process, he is eager to help other churches work through the difficult processes and decisions involved with closings and mergers.
Please pray for this new church as they commit to spreading the gospel in their community and beyond.
We occasionally receive calls asking if we are aware of churches seeking to share facilities. Sometimes these calls are from new church plants looking for a place to meet. At other times these calls are from existing churches exploring their facilities options for the future.
There are a lot of elements involved in sharing facilities. Some congregations have a separate chapel, or other part of their facilities for another congregation to use. Other congregations share their main worship auditorium. Of course, this leads to a discussion of meeting times for the two congregations, and even parking issues. Done right, this is a great option for churches to consider.
Many of our congregations are already sharing facilities for a variety of reasons. However, it would be helpful if we could maintain a list of churches that may be interested in exploring this decision.
On Wednesday, May 22nd, the PBA held the third of our Prayer and Listening Sessions as we seek God’s vision for our future. This meeting was at Ivy Memorial Baptist Church. We plan to hold three more Prayer and Listening Sessions in September and October. Stay tuned for more information about the locations and times of these meetings. We are collecting responses from all of these sessions to report back to the association when we have completed the process. Meanwhile, please continue to pray for God’s guidance of this network of churches as we move together into the future.
I (Jim) was recently watching a podcast of three members of Oak Hills Church of Christ in San Antonio, Texas; one of whom was Max Lucado. They were discussing humility.
One of the panelists shared the often-repeated definition of Humility, “Humility is not thinking less of yourself. Humility is thinking of yourself less.” Max took this thought to a deeper level. Referencing Romans 12:3, “For by the grace given to me I say to everyone among you not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think with sober judgment, each according to the measure of faith that God has assigned.” (English Standard Version)
Max’s understanding of the text is that we should “think accurately about ourselves.” We are not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to, but neither are we to think less of ourselves. Rather, when we think of ourselves, we should do so accurately.
For example, God has called me to preach His Word. To do so well should always be my goal. In my early days I wasn’t very good at all! Because I was thinking too much about myself, I was trying too hard to either please people or to preach like more well known preachers. Over the years and with the patient help of many parishioners, I have been able to improve. I can say now, with accuracy, that what I do in the pulpit is more honoring to God and helpful to those listening than it was in the beginning.
Max likened this thought to a skilled quarterback who led his High School football team. Max was a lineman. He liked and trusted the quarterback because he led well and was a team player who encouraged his fellow players. He did his job well and with confidence. He was a humble young man. He thought accurately about himself.
As Christians, the world needs to witness what God can do in and through us as we dedicate all he has given us to be used for his purposes and glory. We have a responsibility to think accurately about ourselves so we may improve as his servants, making him known to others.
                                                                          Jim Moynihan

We provide this information to assist churches that are seeking a senior pastor. We can only provide information given to us by churches, so please keep us informed! You may also let us know about other open positions in your church if you would like us to publicize them. Churches currently without pastors:
            Buckroe Baptist Church
            Hornsbyville Baptist Church                          
Mount Hebron Baptist Church                      
Yorktown Baptist Church

Hornsbyville Baptist Church in Yorktown is looking for someone to play the piano during the morning worship time on Sundays at 11:00 AM. For more information text or call Debbie at 757-849-3445.
We maintain a list of people willing to “Supply Preach” and/or serve as an Interim Pastor. If you have need of someone to speak or are looking for an Interim Pastor while searching for a pastor, please call or email Chuck for this information.
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Dillon Evans

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